Efforts for the environment
Environmental Policy
As a member of the Kurita Group, we conduct business activities based on “Clean & Re-generation” in order to work toward contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society and the creation of a society with a circular economy to achieve greater levels of business growth and our environmental objectives through the provision of Cleaning Service Business and other services in alignment with the Kurita Group Code of Conduct and Kurita Group Environmental Policy.
- Based on integrity, observe agreements related to the environmental laws and regulations of all countries and regions.
- Promote the following environmental improvements to contribute to achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) supported by the Kurita Group.
(1) Strive to contribute to the creation of a society with a circular economy through Cleaning Service Business for customers.
(2) Strive to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society through in-house environmental improvements.
- Work to accurately understand the business environment and the influences on the natural environment, and then continuously improve environmental management systems according to goals and objectives set based on that understanding.
(1) When attempting to provide new products and services, including Cleaning Service Business, identify risks and opportunities beforehand and fulfill compliance obligations.
(2) When changes in the business environment are foreseen due to changes in corporate activities, identify risks and opportunities beforehand and fulfill compliance obligations.
- Conduct education and training to raise awareness about environmental protection, and work to invigorate the local community and solve social issues by enhancing communication with stakeholders.
In order to deepen understanding of this environmental policy by all people who work at our various workplaces, we post it inside the workplaces, and we also make it available to the public.
Environmental Management
We engage in business in a manner that enlists the entire company in efforts to improve the environment with the aim of giving rise to ecologically sound factories so that we might help our customers with respect to saving resources, conserving energy, decreasing waste, and reducing their environmental loads.

Beautification activities
ISO 14001 environmental management implementation
(ISO-certified sites)
Head Office and East Japan, Mie, Iga, Harima and Oita sites

The Kuritec Service Group’s Environmental Improvement Activities
- Regarding the needs of customers (environmental improvement activities via business)
- Regarding self-transformation (reduction of our environmental burdens)
- Increasing the reuse of parts discarded by customers
- Reduction of CO2 emissions and waste